среда, 17 февраля 2016 г.

Alien Transporter

The Universe is endless and our telescopes can't reach the most distant planets. Nobody will argue that across thousands of galaxies which count billions of stars and planets around them there are some populated with aliens. There definitely have some complicated and modern technologies that humans do not have. They explore other planets and gather resources from asteroid and planets. These places are distant and lack of comfort for alien workers. Often the locations where aliens work full of dangerous rocks and barriers that obstruct the access to the mine. The solution of this problem is quite simple and there are alien transporters that deliver alien workers to the places they work in. However, the flying conditions are not perfect even for modern alien ships so pilots should be extremely careful when fly across rocks. You are one of the alien transporters at this realm and your task is to perform safe and fast delivery of the passengers. Deliver your current passenger without spending much fuel and receive money for your service. You have to earn money and feed your family so your ship is the only thing that brings you profit so you should be extra careful not to smash it or destroy one of your engines. Completing missions and additional tasks will unlock beneficial upgrades for you, like magnets and fuel upgrades. They will slightly increase your wealth and income and you will always have enough money to refill the fuel tank of your ship. Play also math games.
Alien Transporter is the game you will have fun playing. It requires some good controlling skills and practice in order to deliver the alien workers faster and spend less fuel. You will have fun with physics in game, it brings some realism in it but doesn't disturb the player. If you hit the rock you will probably lose the engine or destroy the entire ship so care fly is all you need. You don't need anything special to play this flash game online as it's absolutely free and easy to understand. If you successfully complete certain missions there will be an option to paint you ship or engines in different color. Work safe and try to stay away from the barrels that are full of explosives and can damage your ship or the passengers. Make everything accurate and don't let chaos to fulfil the place you work in. Aliens love when things are going according to the plan even if they work especially if they work at the distant realm. All that they need is an access to the fyling ship which will deliver them to their home.

вторник, 16 февраля 2016 г.

Rail Rush Worlds

Have you ever seen the Indiana Jones series? The second movie where the main character was railing on the cart in the dark cave of the Temple of Doom was one of the best scenes and the most exciting one. That was a dream of all boys and they wanted to ride the cart like he did. Well, the dreams become true if you really want it. This game will allow you to experience exactly what you always wanted, but this time you are the treasure hunter and you need to collect as much gold as you can without smashing your cart. Get into the cart and rush the cave, collecting the gold ore, precious stones or mystic eggs that will surprise you if you want to open them. Mind that the railroad is dangerous and you will face obstacles like huge gaps and blocks which you should avoid by jumping on the other railroad. As long as you ride further your cart will accelerate and it will become hard to avoid obstacles and collect all precious items. The decisions you make should be straight and conscious, otherwise you will fall into the depths of the cave. The gold ore and diamonds you collect throughout the levels is not just for points which will reflect your success in the game. You can buy useful and very powerful upgrades of your cart to make it easier passing through the most challenging parts of the level. You can install magnets on your cart to collect all treasures and not skip a single gold ore or a diamond. Installing steel rams or the cart will protect you from falling of the railroad if you hit the obstacle. Don't rush the upgrades even if you have money to purchase them and think of your strong and weak sides. You might want to upgrade something else and it will be more useful specially for you. The game store is full of interesting things like a character change option or various upgrades of the cart. You can even buy explosives that can easily clear your path if used. They aren't locked and free to purchase at the very start of the game. All you need is enough gold ore requested for upgrades. You should not worry about your game progress as if you play this flash game online all success will be saved and if you launch the game again you will have all upgrades like you had before. Play also math games.
Rail Rush Worlds is a simple but extremely exciting game with a clear game play. The understanding of it comes to you quickly and you start having fun from the very start. Play Rail Rush and become the rich adventure seeker!

вторник, 2 февраля 2016 г.

Parcage de Supervéhicules 2

Conduise ton véhicule et paque le dans les lieux correspondants! Suive la flèche et quand tu as la voiture garée cherche le palace suivant. Tu as le temps limite. Si tu aimes les jeux de voiture, quoi de mieux que de tenter ce défi? Tu dois donner tout de toi comme il ne sera pas facile parce que tu vas traiter avec d'autres voitures et les mettre correctement. Si tu aimes les défis et tu souhaites découvrir un peu plus, alors nous présentons "Parcage de Supervéhicules 2", un jeu d'arcade qui te fera vivre une expérience très agréable parce que tu te amuses en faisant ce que tu aimes. Parking est souvent un gros problème même pour les conducteurs expérimentés. Parce qu'il y a beaucoup de situations où il est presque impossible de garer votre voiture sans avoir à traiter les lésions causées par des éléments de l'environnement. Et tu? Es-tu un conducteur très expérimenté? Ce jeu flash en ligne où tu dois conduire et essayer de garer chaque voiture de niveau où tu dans la place qu’on te montre. Pas de collisions avec d'autres véhicules, des cônes ou des endroits où ils pourraient endommager le véhicule. S'il te plaît noter également que tu as un temps limité. Prouves que tu es un excellent pilote! "Parcage de Supervéhicules 2" est un jeu en ligne gratuit qui te permettra tester ta capacité à garer la voiture quand même va te va indiquer. Ton mission est de faire aussi vite que possible sur leurs sites, qui apparaissent ombragée, donc n'oublie pas d'être très rapide et tu devrais obtenir un temps record. Aussi reste très concentré. Donc il vaut mieux mettre les piles, s'adapter bien la ceinture de sécurité et accélérer pour t’amuser. Jouent also jeux de mathématiques.
La mécanique du jeu d'arcade est très simple, car seul tu auras besoin du clavier et les instructions suivantes ci-dessous. Utilise les touches fléchées: haut pour démarrer la voiture, bas pour arrêter ou inverser si nécessaire, et enfin, gauche et droite pour tourner. Le système graphique de jeu en ligne gratuit est très intéressant car il a une excellente distribution du jeu et s'adresse à tous les groupes d'âge qui veulent passer d'agréables moments en famille ou entre amis, n'attende pas et te mettre à conduire ces voitures que tu dois rendre à leurs lieux étonnantes. Commence dès maintenant et profite de beaucoup avec ce jeu flash.

понедельник, 1 февраля 2016 г.

Run Pinky Run

Have you ever seen so many food? Well, as you have already understood, your task is to collect as much as possible. Could you believe that? So, just try to be attentive enough and you will set the best record. Play as a little pig and help it to survive in the best game you have ever seen. In this free online game you will control a very crazy pinky, who wants to survive at any rate. There are so many enemies and you must avoid them all as soon as possible. Just run really fast and you will love this amazing game. Just feel free and try to escape from all these terrible monsters, otherwise the level will be over and you will have to pass it again and again. Is everything clear? Then the only one advice to you is not to waste your time and play the best game ever. "Run Pinky Run" will help you to improve your speed, reaction, attentiveness and other skills and abilities. Are you ready for such a great challenging online game? So, this is your chance! Do not miss it. There are also many medals that you can get. Run really fast and you will be the real winner of the game. But still if you will loose any level, then the medal 'oops' will be yours. Is it not so cool? Duh! By the way, you can also use many super abilities. For example, you can use the speed and run really fast. Just use all of them to pass every level and run away from your enemy. When you will pass all levels in jungles, then you will be awarded with the medal 'Goodbye Gorilla'. And there are so many medals here, just do everything right and help this cute pinky to survive in such crazy worlds. In general, this amazing runner free game is the best way to spend some of your free time while running. Are you agree? Just try to open endless mode and get the medal 'the Scamper in the Beach'. As you can see, everything depends on your skills, so, just do it right and you will be not disappointed. Play also math games.
If you are ready to help this cute pinky, then just do it immediately, and do not forget to collect all the food to become more and more stronger. The main thing is to survive and escape many foes of the main hero. Play this cool runner online game and have much fun, as usual. Good luck here.